Traveling from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport (MAD) to Santa Genoveva Airport (GYN): what you need to know
During popular months such as July, you'll want to get to the airport earlier than usual. Plan to arrive two hours before a domestic departure and four hours ahead for an international flight whenever you're traveling during a high season in general.
To find out if you need a visa to enter Brazil, contact your airline and the local embassy or consulate. They'll give you the most current information, including additional documents you may need after booking your cheap ticket from MAD to GYN.
How to find the cheapest flights from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport (MAD) to Santa Genoveva Airport (GYN)
The best price we've found for a one-way ticket from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport to Santa Genoveva Airport is $500. The cheapest price for a return flight is $879. Keep in mind that fares may change due to demand at the time of booking.
It's often best to book as early as possible if you want to get cheap tickets from MAD to GYN. That's because flight prices are based on demand, which tends to increase closer to the date of departure.
If you can be flexible with your travel dates, use the 'Whole month' tool. It'll find the lowest price across every month when looking for a ticket from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport to Santa Genoveva Airport.
Create a Price Alert for cheap tickets from MAD to GYN. You don't need to check back in every day to see whether prices have dropped. We'll update you when there's a change in price.
Use filters to tailor your flights from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport to Santa Genoveva Airport. Enter your preferred departure and arrival times, airlines and number of stops. Alternatively, sort your results by 'Cheapest' to see the best deals.
Handy information about Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport (MAD)
Traveling from central Madrid to Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport takes approximately 37 minutes on public transport. If you drive, ride-share or take a cab, you'll cover the 11 miles in 26 minutes or so, depending on traffic conditions.
Have an early flight from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport to Santa Genoveva Airport? Avoid the last-minute rush to the terminal (and get some extra shut-eye) by choosing one of these stays close to MAD:
Arriving at Santa Genoveva Airport (GYN)
The last thing you want is a long journey to your hotel if you're arriving on a late flight from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport to Santa Genoveva Airport. Reserve one of these accommodation options near GYN instead:
Getting from Santa Genoveva Airport (GYN) to central Goiania
From Santa Genoveva Airport, Goiania is approximately 8 miles away. It takes around 20 minutes to reach the center driving.
It typically takes 47 minutes to get there using public transport.
When to fly to Santa Genoveva Airport (GYN)
The quietest month for a flight from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport to Santa Genoveva Airport is April, while June is the most popular. Pick the best time to go to Goiania based on whether you prefer a bustling atmosphere or a more laid-back vibe.
Before locking in your flight from Adolfo Suarez Madrid-Barajas Airport to Santa Genoveva Airport, think about the type of weather you like. September is the warmest month in Goiania, with the temperature ranging from 66ºF to 97ºF.
July has average temperatures of between 59ºF and 88ºF. Look for cheap tickets from MAD to GYN sometime then if you want to travel when it's cooler.
More about Goiania
When it comes to looking for somewhere to lay your head, you'll find the top stays in Goiania right here. Explore these options once you've booked your flight from MAD to GYN:
All great vacations should include some sightseeing. Praca Civica, Bosque dos Buritis and Zoroastro Artiaga Museum are must-do's during your Goiania adventure.
Complete your Goiania trip with hotels and a car rental
Once you've secured your cheap ticket to Santa Genoveva Airport, browse the lowest prices and exclusive offers on hotels. You can also compare a range of car rental companies in one place to get the best car rental price for your Goiania trip.